Available programs
- Single Guaranteed one live birth child
- Double Guaranteed two live birth children through two surrogates
Legal framework
- The National Constitution of Colombia states in articles 42-6: “Children born in or out of wedlock adopted and procreated naturally or with scientific assistance, have the same rights and duties. The law will regulate responsible offspring.”
- The legal precedent for including surrogacy proceedings as defined by Supreme Court Ruling and its Constitutional Court T 968 of 2009 which states:
- “In the Colombian legal system, there is no express prohibition for the realization of such agreements. However, with regard to assisted reproduction techniques, within which the surrogate mother is involved, the doctrine has considered that they are legally legitimized, in accordance with articles 42-6 of the Constitution.
- Colombia’s constitution does not allow discrimination, so all singles, heterosexual couples, and same-sex couples can participate in the surrogacy process as long as there is a genetic link with the baby.
- This was recognized by the Colombian Constitutional Court in a landmark decision in 2015 that ruled that excluding same-sex parents as potential adopters was a limitation of the right of children to have a family and not be separated from it.
- Equal rights also extend to foreigners in Article 100 of the Constitution which grants foreigners in Colombia the same civil rights and guarantees as those granted to citizens, so this includes international surrogacy.
Costs Range
- Depends on the programs, from 65 000-116 000 USD. Payment is possible per installment.
- Single parent (male, female)
- Same-sex married Intended parents
- Married heterosexual intended parents
Birth Certificate
- Surrogate mum is on the birth certificate and it will be waived through court which will take 9-12 months.
- IP can take the baby home with the original birth certificate and does not need to be present in Colombia for the court hearing.
Exit procedure timelines
- 1 week to get the birth certificate
- 2 weeks to get a Colombian passport
- Then apply for a visa to go back to IP’s home country. It depends on each country’s embassy
Egg Donation (Anonymous/Non-Anonymous)
- Anonymous
- Latin American girls are mostly black hair and black eyes.
- POS Health Insurance is part of Colombian social security. It is mandatory for everyone who lives in Colombia. POS covers the newborn baby.
- There are some private health insurances that we are looking for that provide additional coverage to the POS.
- SURA is life insurance.
Surrogate matching period
- The doctor chooses the surrogate for each IP.
- It takes 2-3 months for the doctor to prepare the surrogates.
Useful Hints:
- The waiting list is to be matched with a surrogate.
- Surrogacy is a very new area in Colombia. Only one or two clinics are involved in this field. Few lawyers are on it either.