IranAvailable programs:

  • IVF/ ICSI + Egg Donation
  • IVF/ ICSI + Sperm Donation
  • IVF/ ICSI + Embryo Donation
  • Gender selection/ sex Selection/ PGD
  • Genetic testing/ PGS
  • Own egg surrogacy
  • Egg donation surrogacy
  • Embryo Donation Surrogacy
  • Frozen embryo shipped surrogacy
  • Double-running surrogacy
  • Gender Selection/PGD Surrogacy
  • Genetic testing/PGS surrogacy
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy

Legal framework:

  • All Infertility Treatments are considered Legal in Iran
  • Surrogate has no legal right on the born baby
  • Birth certificate will be in the name of the intended parents
  • The surrogacy process is not mentioned in the birth certificate of the surrogacy-born baby (depending on the legal requirement of the intended parent’s country this may change)
  • The new parents can be assured psychological relief and reassurance by having the exit permission or temporary passport issued within 10-20 days.
  • A surrogate must, according to law, follow all medical instructions given by the medical staff. Surrogates must have at least one child.


  • Heterosexual Married couple holding a marriage certificate
  • Medical indication for egg donation/embryo donation/sperm donation and surrogacy is requested

Birth certificate

  • The birth certificate is issued within one week
  • Surrogacy-born baby will NOT receive Iranian nationality and will gain the nationality of the intended parent(s)

Exit procedure timelines

  • Exit procedure depends on each embassy and the country of residence of the parents. Approximately up to 3 weeks from delivery until the passport of the baby
  • Based on Iranian regulations baby is not granted with Iranian passport or citizenship

Egg donation (Anonymous/Non-Anonymous)

  • May or may not be anonymous depending on the choice of Intended parents
  • Donor profile including Adulthood photo, height, weight, Age, number of children, eye color, hair color, education, and blood type will be shared with intended parents upon their request

Surrogate matching period

  • One to three weeks
  • Surrogate matching is Anonymous
  • In case of a negative pregnancy test after embryo transfer, the surrogate will be replaced by another surrogate and this cycle goes on until positive pregnancy happens


  • Not available

Useful hints (Questions to ask before starting)

  • What are the success rates?
  • how well is the law regulated?
  • Is the medical team multi-language?
  • Is the destination safe?
  • Is it affordable?
  • What is the feedback from IPs?